Jubilee Installation
The new WM of Jubilee Mark Lodge No 375 is Harry Kilgour. Harry became a freemason in Warwick. Upon his retirement from the police service, he moved to the lovely Lakeland village of Coniston. He has become very much part of that rural community being a first responder and first aider.
Brian Davey, Harry Gilgour and Alan Jones
Unfortunately, the pestilence which is Covid 19 had struck the household of outgoing WM Brian Benn and, although he was showing a negative reading, it was deemed prudent for him to miss the meeting. Brian had been putting in the hours learning the ritual so not being able to install his successor was a great disappointment him.
Waiting for the off are; Graham Lloyd, Bob Fearnett, Brian McKenna and Steve Ellershaw
Stepping in at two days’ notice was Very Worshipful Brother Alan Jones. He was an appropriate volunteer for the role as he had been the proposer of Harry into Mark masonry.
They say “it never leaves you” and Alan demonstrated that adage can be correct as he gave a faultless masterclass in the ritual of the installation.
Geoff Waters
The representative of the PGM was Brian Davey who himself has earned widespread renown as a ritualist. For him to comment that “at two days’ notice, that was the finest performance of masonic ritual as you will see” speaks volumes for the performance of Alan.
There was further work for Alan as he delivered the address to the newly installed master. Les Preston delivered the address to the wardens, Russ Greenhow that to the overseers and Brain was called into action to orate the address to the Brethren. All played their part well with your correspondent chipping in with the presentation of the keystone jewel.
David Smith and Les Preston
Geoff Waters also added to the occasion by making a guest appearance as organist.
There were seven junior members who were admitted to the lodge following the inner workings with Phil Burrow later being installed as senior warden and Chris Gray as junior warden.
There is a candidate in the pipeline for Harry so he will have some work to do during his year in office.
A very enjoyable evening continued with an installation meal, the menu being beef.
The Tyler’s toast brought a very convivial evening to a close. No doubt hard working secretary David Smith and equally as industrious director of ceremonies Les Preston will have breathed a sigh of relief that it had gone so well following a somewhat frantic last 48 hours in the build-up to the meeting.
Phil Burrow, Harry Kilgour and Chris Gray
Words and pictures by Dave Sear